Legal Question in Family Law in Mississippi

trouble with child services getting home inspection

My child is under custody of childrens service in ohio due to the mother being in trouble with the law and on trial at this time. I have tried for several years to get my child but no luck proving mom is unfit til she got herself in trouble with the law. Now I have a court date set where they are asking me if I want to get custody of my child. Child service say their is no problem my getting my child BUT must have state inspection in MS first. Problem comes in here!!! Child services was to request a home inspection prior to court, but no inspection yet and court is in 1 month. State says they have not received request and have 30 days at each entity to do inspection. This will be way after court date and we CAN NOT bring our child home until this is done. What can we do to get childrens services to do their job and get ourt child out of the temporary home which by the way is with the MOM's parents who raised their kids and they all wound up in drugs and jail!!! Ohio tried to call MS and they said they were rude to them and no help. What can we do now????

Asked on 8/09/06, 1:09 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mary Milek Milek Law Firm

Re: trouble with child services getting home inspection

If you want to get your child, you need to go to the court that has continuing jurisdiction (the court that ordered child custody and support) and file a motion for modification. If the case is in Mississippi, call my office and if I can�t help you, I will do my best to find you someone that can. If the case originated in Ohio, call the executive director of the Mississippi Department of Human Services, Mr. Donald Taylor and see if he can help get your case moving.

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Answered on 8/09/06, 10:12 am

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