Legal Question in Family Law in Mississippi

Will I have to pay alimony?

I was wondering if I would have to pay alimony to my wife of 2.5 yrs? I am the only one who works and I am fully supporting her while she is in school. We have in the past 6 months bought a new home, we have very little in savings due to only one income. I do have money invested in a retirement plan with my job. My wife has phone records where I have been talking with a woman that I met on a business trip, that lives over 450 miles away and we have only had one meeting since we met with work. What could I expect from my wife if I file for a divorce, because we were having problems long before I went on my business trip.

Asked on 8/12/06, 12:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mary Milek Milek Law Firm

Re: Will I have to pay alimony?

I would need much more information to give you answer. From the information given, I think there is certainly a possibility you would have to pay spousal support. Most likely, it would only be for a short duration. To make an informed decision, I would need to things like:

1. What is your education level?

2. What is her education level?

3. When will she be out of school?

4. What is your earning capacity?

5. What will her earning capacity be once she is out of school?

6. What is your current standard of living?

7. Who is at fault for the break-up of the marriage?

8. Any children?

9. Any health issues?

10. Has either party disposed of marital assets?

If your wife can prove adultery, and it sounds like she can (she only has to prove opportunity and infatuation), your chances of paying go up dramatically with many Chancellors.

You can see all the factors at my website on the link below.

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Answered on 8/12/06, 1:06 am

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