Legal Question in Employment Law in Mississippi

Permanently laid off after 32 years no explanation as but downsizing

My father worked with this plant for 32 years. He was going to retire within four years. He was off work for a couple of weeks for eye surgery and during his recuperation, he received word that he was permanently laid off after 32 years of service. There were people who had only been working there for 8 months and this company kept them. My father is now 59 years old, this happened February 2006. He has no benefits, no insurance, can't draw retirement because he's not 62 and then, he will not receive his full benefits once he reaches the age. He has medical needs (prescriptions). Can something be done about companies who find reasons to just get rid of people who are near retirement so they won't have to pay the benefits for services given to companies by employees?

Asked on 2/08/07, 9:13 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Permanently laid off after 32 years no explanation as but downsizing

The situation that you state sounds curious. Your father may have some FMLA rights and/or age discrimination rights that are being violated. He probably needs to sit down and talk to an attorney about his situation. If you would like more information about FMLA rights and age discrimination claims, you can visit my website at

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Answered on 2/09/07, 11:25 am

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