Legal Question in Medical Malpractice in Mississippi
negligence or malpractice?
How long do I have before I can sue? I didn't think I wanted to but now I am considering it. I believe my Dr. was wrong and negligent. My baby was stillborn and it is his fault for not monitoring or doing untrasounds or listening to heartheart.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: negligence or malpractice?
That answer depends on a lot of things; First,in what state did you labor and deliver? When did this happen? In most states you will need expert testimony, another docotor, that your doctor was negligent. You cannot have a lawyer review this situation quickly enough. Time erodes and destroys lawsuits.
These questions you have asked are very important. I often help individuals through very difficult issues like yours.
I cannot answer questions, give legal advice, or quote fee rates over e-mail for several reasons. First, in order to answer questions, I may need to ask you several questions or review documents. Also, because there is no confidentiality with e-mail, some authorities have said that I would be in violation of ethical restrictions. Additionally, if you are already represented, I need to know that in order to ethically render legal advice. Finally, please understand that I make my living rendering legal opinions.
Feel free to call Karen Nickelson, my paralegal, at (901) 527-5522, and set an appointment for an in-person consultation or a telephone consultation. Karen will be glad to assist you with any additional questions about our services or fees.
I would appreciate you letting me know where you learned about me and what city you live in.
Additional information may be found about my firm or me at:
Crone & Mason, PLC -
Thank you,
Alan G. Crone
Crone & Mason, PLC
Eight S. Third St., Fifth Fl.
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 527-5522
(901) 529-1432 fax
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Re: negligence or malpractice?
On 1/7/02 I saw your msg posted 2/3/01. This response is not confidential and is based solely on the facts presented in your email. Also, it is not based on any supporting examination of the law. Instead, this response is based on my general experience, and resulting opinions. No attorney-client relationship is formed by this response.
In Miss. the statute of limitations for a medical malpractice claim arising in Miss. is 2 years from the date the injury became known or should have become known. Actions to conceal negligence should extend the time for taking action. However, you should not wait. You should consult an attorney as soon as possible.
Re: negligence or malpractice?
March 22, 2001
I am a physician working in a medical malpractice law firm, and I have been given permission by one of our lawyers to respond to your inquiry.
I do many of the intake interviews here, using my knowledge of medicine to take a good medical history. At the end of the history I give definitions of the 3 items that have to be proved in a medical malpractice case, and then I apply your medical history to those definitions so that you would come to understand in general what the task of a medical malpractice lawyer is.
Following this, I would present your case to one or several of the lawyers here, and get back to you with our decision about pursuing the case.
There is no cost for the interview. If your case meets our criteria we would want either to investigate it ourselves or get your permission to refer the case to a good medical malpractice lawyer in your state. It would be in our interest as well as yours to find you a good medical malpractice lawyer in your state, as we would earn a small percentage of whatever legal fee is earned.
If you would like to do an intake interview I can be reached at 1-800-440-5297 between 9-5 EST.
Thank you.
Martin Fleishman, MD.