Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Missouri

neighbor harrassment

Our neighbor has harrassed us for several years. He is telling lies about us that is going all over the county. We call the cops and they won't do anything but he makes up a lie and they are here wanting to arrest us. Can I get this neighbor for defimation of character? We just want this to stop and leave us alone. There are also other neighbors that are repeating the lies. Can we get them too?

Asked on 11/27/08, 6:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: neighbor harrassment

If your neighbor is knowingly lying about you, and it is harming your good name in the community, then you can file a civil suit. You may also allege that he has made knowingly false police reports. This will force your neighbor to come to court and publicly support, retract or deny the statements you say he has made. This day in court, will hopefully stop any further gossip. Hire a good attorney, as defamation of character and libel suits are not easily won.

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Answered on 12/01/08, 9:13 am

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