Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Missouri

Student loan collections

My husband incurred a school debt 2years prior to ever getting married. He dropped out and the loan was deferred. They recently contacted us wanting to set up payment. Not a problem,we sent check stubs to verify income. Now they want our last 4 years of tax returns. I have a problem with sending them my income tax forms, due to fact we have only been married for 2 years. This is not my debt. Do we have to send this info? We have been making payments already for approx.4months. Were do we stand as far as how much info we have to give them?

Asked on 12/30/01, 10:57 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael R. Nack Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law

Re: Student loan collections

My very first response to your question was "Who are 'they'? You never tell the reader who is collecting payments, demanding tax returns and so on. Speaking very generally, you should refer to the exact terms provided in the promissory note, student loan application, or other legal documents which pertain to your husband's loan. I suspect that he may have defaulted on his repayment obligations and the lender or some assignee of the lender is now attempting to negotiate/dictate new repayment terms. Your individual income tax returns would not seem to be pertinent, unless your husband and you filed joint returns and therefore your returns are his only returns. Still, it is not clear at all from the very limited information contained in your question who is demanding the tax returns or why. I would suggest that you contact an attorney in your area in person and arrange for a consultation. Please be sure to take all pertinent documents with you so that the attorney will be able to provide some assistance. Good luck.

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Answered on 12/30/01, 9:27 pm

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