Legal Question in Criminal Law in Missouri
my son has a court date for mip of alcohol and pot. they said i could pay a fine w/o going to court but it would always be on his record. i thought since he is 17 that it wouldnt be on his record forever but would be if he was 18. will it be on his record for ever since he is 17 yrs old?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: minor
It would definitely be a huge mistake to just pay the fine(s).Apparently your son was charged as an adult (probably in a municipal court ora county court)and these charges have not been brought in the Juvenile Court. If I am right, then a conviction on either of theses charges would appear on his permanent record. Anytime that he ever gets pulled over the police officer will have access to that record and will treat your son differently because of it. If your son ever faces ay type of charges again, the prosecutor will know about these convictions and will treat the case differently as a result. If you son is going to apply for college, or for a scholarship, or a loan, or a job, or attempts to join the military, these convictions on his record would be devastating. If you hire an attorney to represent him and keep these convictions off of his record, it will be something that he will enjoy the benefits of for the rest of his life. If this is in the Eastern part of the state you may call me for a consultation. Good luck.
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