Legal Question in Criminal Law in Missouri

parental urgument

Senario: Father comes to house and request money from the divoriced wife. and starts to become acting rude and argumenative towards the divired wife about money that was paid forwad and request 3,000.00 dollars because his live in partner signed there children up for a program. would this be a criminal act by going over to the house and acting hostile towrds a woman. Yes or not will do I am currently finding information on this topic right now.

Asked on 12/12/08, 1:31 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael R. Nack Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law

Re: parental urgument

The answer to yoru questin is "It depends". If the person who comes to a woman's home is abusive, threatening, and/or violent enough, this behaviour might justify obtaining a restraining Order undr the Adult Abuse Act. If that person was only rude and argumentative, the Court may not consider his actions dangerous enough to enter such an Order.

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Answered on 12/12/08, 11:10 pm

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