Legal Question in Criminal Law in Missouri

sex crime

I was accused of inapropriatly touching my girlfriends daughter. She had to sighn a paper aggreeing that she would never let them see me again. The officer said that they still had to do their investigation. I am innocent, although, I am on the sex offender list, for a charge from 10 years ago. what happens now with this allegation?What are the possible outcomes? What should I do ?

Asked on 1/08/09, 7:50 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael R. Nack Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law

Re: sex crime

In my opinion, you should hire an attorney to represent you right now, before things get worse. It may be possible to head this off at the pass, but in all likelihood there will be felony criminal charges to follow and you will be arrested. It will be more difficult to obtain good legal representation once you are in custody. Also, an attorney should be able to set up a "voluntary surrender" once charges are filed, and help get you released on bond as soon as possible. Then the attorney can advise you on how best to defend the charges. If you can not afford an attorney, once you are charged you will need to apply for the public defender. If you would like to discuss this further, you may call me for a free telephone consultation. I have handled a good number of similar cases in the thirty years I have been practicing law.

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Answered on 1/09/09, 12:06 am

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