Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Back Child Support Still Due after Adoption
I need to know if my husband adopts my son, will the biological father still have to pay the over $15,000 in back child support that he owes me?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Back Child Support Still Due after Adoption
In Kansas, unpaid child support becomes a judgment for each month that is unpaid. Your husband adopting your son will not relieve your son's father from paying child support that was due and owing in the past. However, you should speak with an attorney regarding whether or not any of the child support judgments have become "dormant". If any have become "dormant", those judgments will need to be "revived".
Re: Back Child Support Still Due after Adoption
An adoption would not relieve your ex of his past due child support obligations. However, in Missouri, a money Judgment expires after ten years unless revived or unless payments have been made in the meantime. You should seek legal advice regarding the collection of the back child support.