Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Child Custody upon Parental Death
What can a legal parent do to make sure that upon thier death that the minor child will not be placed into the other parents custody?
Asked on 1/29/02, 7:21 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Michael R. Nack
Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law
Re: Child Custody upon Parental Death
Two answers suggest themselves. First, if you are divorced form the other parent and have since remarried your spouse could adopt the children. Otherwise, it would appear that you would need to take legal action to terminate the other parent's "parental rights". I would need to conduct some research in order to be able to advise you what exactly is involved in such a proceeding. If you are not already represented, you may call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822.
Answered on 1/29/02, 9:58 pm