Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Custody agreement over minor child
I am the primary custodial parent of my minor child. The biological father has joint custody of the minor child. The father would like to take the minor child out of the country, to Europe this summer for vacation. I do not believe this is in the best interest of the minor child. Do I have any grounds to tell the father ''no''?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Custody agreement over minor child
In order for an attorney to provide a competent answer to the question you have posted, I believe it would be necessary for the attorney to carefully review the existing Court Order together with the specific terms contained in the Parenting Plan if any is in effect. Also, I would personally want to interview you in order to learn something about the background of the case and the reasons for your position. Please consult with an experienced attorney in your area before taking any action denying the father any visitation rights. If you are not already represented, you may call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822.