Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
father wants contract securing same visitation as mother
i would like to know if husband and wife sign a contract that if apon a divorce the husband gets exact amount of time with children as the wife in a given month would that contract hold up in missouri court and if so is there a way for wife to legally violate said contract.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: father wants contract securing same visitation as mother
Although Missouri courts have upheld and enforced various "contracts" such as "Pre-Nuptial", and "Ante-Nuptial" agreements, most of these have revolved around the disposition of assets, payment of maintenance, and so forth. In Missouri, when parents seek a divorce the court acquires jurisdiction over the minor children and is supposed to do whatever is in the best interest of the minor(s).It may well be that you and your spouse could write up such an agreement as you describe, and if the time comes to test it, a Court may find it to be in the best interest of the minor(s) and therefore uphold it. The opposite result may also be reached. In brief, I do not believe that a Judge would be required to honor your agreement, especially not if the Judge determined that the agreement was not in the best interest of the minor(s). this response is not intended to serve as legal advice, only a general discussion of the matter you brought up. For legal advice I strongly suggest that you consult with a competent attorney of your own choosing.