Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri

If the father pays child support. Can the mother take him out of state without the fathers permission

Asked on 7/06/11, 11:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

The law doe snto require the other parent's "permission" whent he custodial parent moves out of state with the child. The law does require notice and an opportunity for the non-custodial parent to contest the move in court. If the mother gives the father 60 day snotice of the planne dmove (including new address int eh new state), and the father opts not to do anything int he courts to contest the move, the father may have been deemed to have givien is implicit approval or acceptance of the move. The costidoty decree can alter this equation. So, it is importatn to consult the attorneys that represented each parent in the custody suit, prior to deciding how to act or not act., regardin the anticipated move.

Good luck

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Answered on 7/07/11, 12:15 pm

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