Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri

Father's Rights

In a case of divorce, What are Father's rights, in the state of Missouri, regarding custody of children, child support, property and/or assets and pension?

Asked on 6/20/01, 2:43 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Greg Kessler Frankel,Rubin,Bond and Dubin, P.C.

Re: Father's Rights

equal division with wife, support obligations based on joint income, joint custody under certain circumstances. You need an attorney, call me at 314 725-8000.


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Answered on 6/29/01, 4:47 pm
Michael R. Nack Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law

Re: Father's Rights

From your post it would appear that you are involved in Court proceedings which will determine some very important issues concerning the division of marital assets, child custody, visitation, child support, possibly maintenance, and others. It is extremely important for you to obtain expert legal representation as soon as possible. If you "shop" for an attorney be careful not to fall for advertisements claiming that the attorney specializes in "father's rights" or any such claim. Do not hire the cheapest attorney you can find. Try to interview the attorney to determine whether he or she is experienced, competent and trustworthy before you put down any money, and be sure to get a written fee agreement. Now, in response to your questions, I can tell you that it would be impossible to cover all of the ground in a forum such as this. Missouri statutes specifically deal with all of the matters you raised, and there are thousands of Appellate and Supreme Court decisions (opinions) interpreting these statutes. The application of the law to the facts varies substantially depending upon where you live within the state of Missouri. In other words, you would not get the same results in St. Louis that you would get in Kansas City or Springfield necessarily. I have been handling divorces in the Eastern part of the state for over twenty-three years, and I would be glad to provide legal services to you if you are in this part of the state. If not, I may be able to help you find a good attorney in your area. Please call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822 if you are not already represented by legal counsel, and in any event good luck!

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Answered on 7/04/01, 6:26 pm

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