Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri

can i file a motion to modify several items in an unfair divorce decree....child support, which i want to help support my children but the amount is so much that i will be unable to do so i have 1 child i am paying support on now which was not taken into consideration,,,,,, also they awarded my ex wife half my retirement when she has one of her own, she makes almost as much as i do.......ordered me to pay her school loans which she has not paid on for several years , legal fees, all marital debt....she was given rights to my life insurance from work.....i do not know what to do or where to turn she walked away with no debt and good credit but she ruined me and my credit she was living in the house and was suppose to make the payments which she was not doing so she kindly

'gave me the house as they are now foreclosing on it as the payments were not made did the same with the new car gave it to me because she was not making payments on it and it was reposed. the list goes on and on i also cannot see my children because i am now deemed a bad father is there any help

Asked on 5/18/15, 9:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mel Franke Mel G. Franke, Attorney at Law

You must meet with an experienced family law attorney

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Answered on 5/20/15, 8:08 am

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