Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Legal name change
I've recently married and would like to change my middle name to my maiden name. I understand that there is more work involved than simply changing my last name. What exactly do I have to do legally change my middle name? My initial research suggests I have to fill out form MO-NAME-1-HC and appear infront of a judge. Is the correct? If so, where do I obtain that form?
Asked on 6/07/01, 10:15 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Greg Kessler
Frankel,Rubin,Bond and Dubin, P.C.
Re: Legal name change
you need to petition the court in your county. I would be happy to assist. Call Greg S. Kessler
314 725-8000
Answered on 6/27/01, 11:52 pm