Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Is it legal to lie on marriage certificate
I was married for 20years to the same man, but when we
were married, he used a false name, during the ceremony and on the certificate. over the years he
changed his name a couple more times, this was due to
being in trouble with the law previously. Now he has
come clean with the law and has his legal name back.
last year he left me and he married another woman under his legal name. he says he did not need a divorce because it wasn't legal since he lied. Is that
true? Were we never really legally married?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Is it legal to lie on marriage certificate
From your description, it sounds to me that you were indeed legally married, and your husband may have committed bigamy. You certainly do need a divorce in my opinion, or it may be possible to obtain an Order anulling the marriage if that is what you want to do. Please call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822.