Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Marriage Problems
I recently found out that I am not officially divorced from who I thought was my ex. I have been re-married for some time now. My ex wants to give me divorce papers. I want to know what to do. I thought that I was fully within my rights to re-marry my husband. Can I go to jail? Does this make my marriage to my current husband null and void? What can I do to legally rectify this situation? We have not heard from him in several years. My husband has adopted my child with what I thought was legal divorce papers. Please help me. I am afraid to go to an attorney because I don't want to go to jail. I just need to get some guidence from you before I move in any direction. Many thanks.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Marriage Problems
your current marriage probably invalid, need to legally get divorced first,then remarried after decree entered. Call for help 314 725-8000