Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri

modification of child support when circumstances have changed

At the time of divorce, my ex-wife was a stay at home mother and we agreed to a generous amount of child support. Even though my ex-wife was not working, she had the kids in daycare on a regular basis. Now I am remarried have a child with my new spouse and my ex-wife is working. Can I have the amount of support I pay lowered?

Asked on 7/18/01, 4:55 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Michael R. Nack Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law

Re: modification of child support when circumstances have changed

Yes,from the information you provided in your question, it does appear that you may be able to seek a Modification of the previous child support Order. However, it would help to know how much your ex-wife makes, whether there is still day-care expense, if there is any "extraordinary" expense for the children, the cost of health care insurance for the children and the amount of time you are spending with the children. With this information, we would be able to run a preliminary calculation of Form 14 (the form used to calculate child support) and determine whether a modification would result in at least a 20% change in the child support figure. If so, then it would appear to be in your best interest to file the proper Motion. If your case is located in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area or surrounding counties, and if you are not already represented by legal counsel, you may call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822. Thank you.

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Answered on 7/18/01, 11:30 pm

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