Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
power of attorney
I signed a power of attorney in the state of Missouri for my daughters biological father to enroll her in school. Now I want her back living with me in Nebraska and going to the school that she has been going to for a year and a half and I was told by a lawyer I could revoke the power of attorney with a letter that is notorized and then bring her back to Nebraska. The sheriffs office in Missouri says that I will have to go back to the courts to get her back. Which one is true?? Do I have to go back to court or can I do the revoketion??
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: power of attorney
It sounds like there are some underlying issues here. Were you awarded custody of your daughter prior to signing the POA? What specifically did the POA say? Why did you allow the father to enroll her in school in Missouri?