Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
Reverse of primary custody
About a year ago I divorsed my husband of 9 years. We have a 9 year old son. At the time, our son wished to live with his father in the state he knew, with the family he knew. I have moved to Alabama, and remaried.
Our son has been here for the summer and now wishs to move here. His father has primary custody. He did not win it in court. I gave it to him because that's where our son wanted to be.
How do I go about getting it reversed without spending a pretty penny, and haveing to return to Mo.
Asked on 7/05/01, 11:15 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Greg Kessler
Frankel,Rubin,Bond and Dubin, P.C.
Re: Reverse of primary custody
Go back to MO court and file a Motion to modify, I can help. Contact me at 314 725-8000
Answered on 7/06/01, 1:19 pm