Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
unmarried adults fighting over child custody
My ex-boyfriend is taking me to court for full and immediate custody of my child. He is also trying to rename her. As far as visitation goes can he take her without a court order...and can I block his name from being on the birth certificate after he has gotten a paternity test?
Asked on 7/09/01, 11:23 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Michael R. Nack
Michael R. Nack, Attorney at Law
Re: unmarried adults fighting over child custody
If there is a Court proceeding underway you definitely need to hire an attorney. If your case is in the eastern part of the state, I may be able to provide you with the legal services you require. Please call me for a free telephone consultation at 314-727-2822.
Answered on 7/11/01, 10:50 pm