Legal Question in Family Law in Missouri
My ex wife wants to move to another state can she with out my ok moving would mean I would not see my child we have joint custody and live in Missouri she wants to move to Alabama
1 Answer from Attorneys
If there is a Judgment providing terms of custody, then your ex-wife needs to comply with the relocation statute by sending you a letter containing various items of information by certified mail. Your receipt of this letter will trigger a relatively short time period within which you can file your objection to the proposed relocation of the child with the court. You may also want to file a Motion to Modify at that time. If your ex-wife is preparing to relocate and is not going to comply with the statute, you might be able to file a pleading in court to prevent her from relocating with the child until further order of the court. In may cases, the Court will allow the relocation but only with a substantial change in the terms of the parenting plan to assure that the parent who is not moving gets substantial and meaningful time wiht the child. In other cases, the custody of the child is transferred to that parent and the other parent gets substantial and meaningful time with the child. I have handled a number of theses cases and I would be willing to consult with you. Please feel free to contact me at the office.