Legal Question in Medical Leave in Missouri

Sick leave

After starting a new position, while I was under my 90-day probationary period I was in a car wreck. I was in the hosital twice, the second time needing surgery. The day I came home from the hosptial my supervisor called me to tell me he was putting me on probation for missing so much work. I am unsure of how to handle this upon my return to work. Does this mean he plan to fire me at my 90-day evaluation? Can you tell me what steps I should take from here?

Asked on 10/04/07, 2:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Sick leave

The steps you should take are the same ones your mother and father taught you when you were a child - go out and do the best job you can do.

You haven't been at work long enough to be eligible under the federal FMLA for coverage. You may have some rights under state law which you would need to discuss with a state law attorney. However, if you are not protected, then your only choice is to return to work and give your employer no reason to take any sort of adverse job action against you.

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Answered on 10/04/07, 10:38 pm

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