Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Missouri
A simple assault charge from 8 years ago has recently come up. What should I expect when I go to my court date in 2 weeks? Many of my friends have given countless reasons why this will most likely be thrown out. Of course I would love for this to happen. But, I was also told to write the 'head' prosecutor and inform him of the situation. Is this good advice as well??
1 Answer from Attorneys
Are your friends lawyers? If not, why would you take legal advice from them? If you are being charged with assault, you should hire the very best criminal defense attorney you can afford, and then let your attorney deal with the prosecutor. Do not write any letters or make any statements to the prosecutor or any other law enforcement officer. Your statements to such people can and will be used against you. Your statements to your attorney will be confidential and may help your attorney to help you.