Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Missouri
My sister's landlord just served her paperwork saying she has to be moved from the house she rents from her by June 24th, 2010. On the 10th of June she paid her $400. towards the June rent, leaving a balance due of $300. Can her landlord do this? She lives in the state of Missouri, her daughter (age 34) has multiple handicaps, she is blind and paralyzed on the right side, my sister cannot work, as she has to take care of her daughter. She has lived in the house for 2 years, the initial lease was for one year, and no new lease was ever signed after the initial lease ran out. The landlord does have a $600 deposit that was paid with the initial lease paperwork.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Unless her prior rent agreement says otherwise, yoru sister converted to a month-month lease at the end of her original term (if she was to pay rent once a month during the term of that lease) Either the landlord or the tenenat may terminate the tenement wioth a month's notice. If the landlord gave her the notice after June 1st, it is effective as of July 1st. That means yrou siter has to be out by July 31st, or she will owe extra money to the landlord. Obviously she will owe rent up to July 31st. but, if she normally pays ever two weeks or every week, then either saide may only ahve to give onoe or two weeks notice. In that case, you sister might have to be out by June 24th. If you dcannot gie her the $300 for the remindr of her June rent, you might pay for an atotnrey to look at the particular facts of your sister's case, and advise her as to her options.
Good luck