Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Missouri
Trustee responsability. Can a trustee decide on his own to exclude certain property owners from the annual HOA meeting. Past practice has been to pay road assesment of $50 at annual HOA meeting. For 8 years I have been excluded from the annual meeting by not being told when and where. The trustee also said that meetings are no longer held but other property owners say the meetings are still being held. I now have liens against my property and have had my paycheck garnished for past due road fees almost double what I actually owe. I have asked for a list of years unpaid and late charges but have not recieved anything. Do I have to pay what he says I owe without documentation or can I withhold payment until provided with a "bill" fro what I owe.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Until you sue the trustee and/or the Board, this abuse will probalby continue. You should consult direclty with an attorney in your area to see what it possible.
Good luck