Legal Question in Traffic Law in Missouri

No Insurance

If a car is attempting to make a left hand turn on a Solid Green Light and does not yield to the oncoming car from the opposite direction going straight who also has a Green Light, but hits the rear passenger side because the car making the left turn was speeding, who's at fault?

Now, what if the car that was going straight had no auto insurance? Is the car that was attempting to make a left that caused the accident still responsible for damages to the car that had no insurance? Does the person who has no insurance have any recourse at all? Thank You

Asked on 8/13/03, 10:38 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: No Insurance

It is a general concept that a person making a left turn on a solid gtreen light must yield to oncoming traffic. They are not expected to know if the light going the other way (oncoming is green or not) However, all traffic scenarios must be screened by an idea of care and prudence. If the car going straight sees that a car is turning into their lane, they cannot spped up, just because they have the right-of-way.

If one driver is at fault for an accident, and the driver who was not at fault has no insurance, it does not matter anything. The uninsured driver might get a ticket, and points against their license, but it would not prevent them from collecting for damgaes.

The fact scenario you described would require more facts in order to determine who was at fault. If you were given a ticket and/or suffered damages in this collision, I suggest you hire an attorney in your area.

Good Luck,

Tony Smith

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Answered on 8/14/03, 11:27 am

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