Legal Question in Traffic Law in Missouri

How do you request a plea bargain?

I was in a car wreck in May, my ''friend'' was driving. I was trapped under the car for two hours. He told the law I was driving. I was hospitolized for fx. hip, neck, back, ribs and pulmonary embolism. I was charged with driving in an imprudent can I request a plea bargain such as allowing an unlicensed driver drive my vehicle?

Asked on 12/04/06, 6:11 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anthony Smith LawSmith

Re: How do you request a plea bargain?

If you were not driving, then you are not guilty of imprudent driving. Y\Probably you should plead not guilty, and force the prosecutor to prove you were driving. In the process, the prosecutor will probably offer you a plea agreement. There is a chance that you could be found guilkty. You should hire an attorney to study the facts and advise you before you choose a course of action. This forum does not allow enough back and forth communication to be able to give you specific advice as to the likely outcome of your case. You may contact me if you wish.

Good Luck

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Answered on 12/04/06, 8:15 pm

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