Legal Question in Workers Comp in Missouri
How long before settlement offer?
I was hurt at work on Aug. 24th and had surgery on my knee on Sept. 26th. I have been released from the doctor's care and was back at work in just two weeks from the time of the surgery. I was told there would be a settlement down the road but am unsure of when that might be. I'm also wondering about whether I have to remain employed by my current employer to get this settlement from the insurance company. I have had other job offers that pay better but don't want to jeopardize a possible cash offer. I am planning on hiring a lawyer when I am contacted by the insurance company but would like to know now about the time frame and if I have to remain employed by this employer. Thanks for any info.
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: How long before settlement offer?
you do not need to stay with the same employer.because the injury required surgery you should consult a lawyer now. usually if there has been surgery the injury is serious enough that a lawyer is helpful so you know your rights and the fair value of your case.
Re: How long before settlement offer?
you do not need to stay with the same employer.because the injury required surgery you should consult a lawyer now. usually if there has been surgery the injury is serious enough that a lawyer is helpful so you know your rights and the fair value of your case.
Re: How long before settlement offer?
First of all, I am sorry that you were injured, and I hope that you are recovering as well as possible. You are intelligent to seek advice. I have been practicing law for thirty years, and, in my opinion, there is absolutely no doubt that you should consult with an attorny immediately. You may consult with an attorney for free, and most attorneys will take a case such as yours on a contingency fee basis so that you will not have to pay your attorney anything out of your pocket. The attorney gets paid a relatively small percentage (25%) of the final settlement or other recovery in the matter. Your attorney will make sure that you get a properly conmpleted claim on file within the time allowed by law. Your attorney will make sure that you are examined rated by a fair doctor. Your attorney will use this rating and everything else within his knowledge and ability to get you the most money possible under all of the circumstances. There may be things that you should be doing right now to help maximize your compensation, and I would not wait for the insurance company to call you. The insurance company has a duty to its shareholders to either not pay, or to pay as little as possible. The insurance company will not be concerned with what is best for you or what is fair. Please do the smart thing and contact an attorney.If you do not know an attorney, please feel free to call me at the office on Monday and I will be happy to refer you to the very best worker's compensation attorney in the State of Missouri. BTW, you will not adversely effect your case if you take one of those better paying jobs. I look forward to hearing from you.
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