Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Montana
Change Utilities?
My landlord accepted rent within the first week of the month without saying anything for five months. Suddenly, when I paid on the 6th of September, he came over very angry. I explained that my daughter had just started college and that the expenses required me to wait until payday on the 6th to pay him rent. He was rude and borderline abusive. He then made a threatening comment (which he has done before) that he was going to put in a propane tank for me to fill on my own and disconnect the current gas service to my home. I did not take him seriously. Today he is putting in the tank and I will be without propane until I purchase a bulk amount from a propane company. Doesn't he have to give me written notice and time before doing this?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Change Utilities?
Need to see lease to advise.Call or e-mail for further assistance.
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