Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Montana

Landlord tenant relationship

Is a former landlord obligated to follow the General Accounting Practices and send written requests/invoices up to 120 days as notice to collect on rent that was due after tenant moved out before turning the account over to collections?

Asked on 3/13/07, 12:48 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Andrew Svitek Svitek Law Group, LLC

Re: Landlord tenant relationship

I don't see a reason why your landlord would need to wait to collect on an outstanding balance. Unless Montana landlord tenant law specifical there isly addresses the issue, I am not familiar with anything that would keep landlords from making collection efforts against an existing or former tenant. In that sense I don't see landlords as being any different from any other types of creditors.

Once the account is turned over to a collections agency, then Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (state and federal) need to be followed, which includes a 30 day notice to dispute the validity of the debt, and limitations on the manner of collection.

As your question is slightly unclear to me, maybe there is something else you are referring to beyond this general principle that I believe would apply.

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Answered on 3/24/07, 3:25 am

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