Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Montana
Who do I pay my rent to?
I am renting a place that is a half lot and the other person that is on the lot is the manager of the property. I first have to give some background because this is rather confusing. The manager lives in the other house on the lot and is responsible for gathering the rent from both houses and taking it to the title company where it will be dispersed. The owner of the property came to me last month and asked that I send him the rent directly since the manager has been withholding rent due to repairs that need to be completed in both houses. The problem is that the title company will not accept anything but full payment. So the manager cannot just pay her portion of the rent. I do not have a written agreement with either of these parties. If I pay the rent to the owner the manager then cannot pay her portion of the rent if need be, and if I pay the rent to the manager the owner could take action against me for failure to pay rent. I am confused and do not know what action to take from here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Who do I pay my rent to?
I have 28 years of LL/Tenant law experience and this is rare.
2 options:
1.Start court action and pay into court under Interpleader prcedure,requesting guidanxe of court.
2.Send rent due cuurently to me.I will write to both parties and request written basis for entitlement to rent.
(2 is quicker + cheaper and they won't evict you if you are represented (we have a defense to nonopayment).
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