Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Nebraska

in 2007 i had a hysterectomy The hospital informed me that every woman matters would pay and what they didnt cover I could get medicaid. I didnt qualify for it. It was turned over to a collection agency and they are demanding 27000 in full or monthly payments of 2000.00 a month. I dont even make 2000.00 a month. what can I expect to happen in court?

Asked on 9/28/12, 2:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

If/when they sue you by serving you with a summons and complaint (usually delivered by a sheriff), you will have 30 days to file a response. In your response, you can present any defenses to the debt you think you may have, then you would proceed to trial (although most likely, the opposing side would move for summary judgment and the case would be decided there). If you don't file a response, then the creditor will automatically be able to get a judgment after those initial 30 days are up.

A judgment can be used against you in a few different ways. Primarily, they can use it to garnish any money in one of your bank accounts or 15-25% of your wages. Since this is a large debt, it's probably not likely that you could settle with them and avoid garnishment. You will want to schedule a free consultation with an experienced bankruptcy attorney to learn about your options.

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Answered on 9/28/12, 8:44 pm

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