Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Nevada
Reappearing Charge off
I have a Acct. that is on my credit report as opened in 5/2000 and charged off in 11/2003 with a $0 balance now I am showing a collection from the same company opened 5/2007 (same acct #) with a balance of $6969. Can a company charge something off with a $0 balance and then reopen with an outstanding balance. Afraid to contact them til I know my rights. I live in Nevada but this account was opened originally in Georgia.
Asked on 6/05/08, 2:39 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Jeffrey Cogan
Jeffrey A. Cogan, Esq., Ltd.
Re: Reappearing Charge off
It can stay on until 2010 (6 1/2 years). The issue is did they take a tax deduction when they charged it off, if so, they probably can't put it back on your credit report because that would be like double dipping.
Answered on 6/11/08, 10:42 am