Legal Question in Criminal Law in Nevada
what's usually the sentence if being charged with kidnap 1st degree with a deadly weapon
1 Answer from Attorneys
In Nevada, there are many factors which affect the answer to your question:
If you ultimately enter a guilty plea and/or are convicted on this charge the sentence is decided by the judge.
The judge decides what an appropriate sentence is based on the underlying facts of your case. Also, the following is considered: Your criminal history and whether substantial bodily harm was involved are probably the most significant (besides of course whether the facts of your case establish the necessary elements of 1st degree kidnapping).
A sentence for 1st degree kidnapping can range from 15 years to life w/o possibility of parole (depends on whether there was substantial bodily harm). The use of the deadly weapon will enhace the sentence by 1-20 years (Judge must consider a number of factors here). And where the offense is for first degree kidnapping with the use of a deadly weapon, the judge cannot allow for a suspended sentence or probation.
Hopefully this helps. Should you have any further questions please contact me for a consultation at 702-547-3944
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