Legal Question in Family Law in Nevada
If 2 people are married and still living together raising a child, and one parent decides he/she has had enough, and packs up and leaves the state, taking said child with them to the new state.
What legal issues will they face?
Can they be arrested?
Asked on 9/28/10, 7:30 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Jeffrey Cogan
Jeffrey A. Cogan, Esq., Ltd.
No. But what you need to do is get into court fast. Under the UCCJEA, wherever the child has lived for the last six months will have jurisdiction over the child, so unless you want to have custody decided in the new state, you need to file for divorce or at least a legal separation now. They can't be arrested because there is no court order determining custody.
If you would like to set up an appointment, you may email me at
Answered on 10/03/10, 8:21 am