Legal Question in Family Law in Nevada
ex husband reckless driver
my 2 kids ages 8 and 6 go to thier fater for 21/2 days a ex is a heavy drinker i dont know if he drives with the kids while drinking, but he just got his license suspended for 30 days he said for reckless driving.he owns a 1980 el camino that has no back seat my kids sit in the front strapped only with waist no 6 yr old is small 42lbs 44inch.he plans on taking them on a 500 mile trip with them in front. i worry can i stop him from driving with them in that car in the front,and is thier a way i can find out why license was susp.he is taking them camping where he drinks all day and night
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: ex husband reckless driver
It sounds as if you need to take him to court to address these issues. Once in court, the Judge can run SCOPE to see what he was arrested for or charged with.