Legal Question in Family Law in Nevada

No marriage, Child Custody

My girlfriend and I are planning to get married, and she has a child from an ex-boyfriend. This ex-boyfriend is a druggie, and a criminal, and is in no way a good role model or father for the child they had together. I'm not one to take a child away from someone, but in this case, it really is in the best interest of the child. The problem, is that he is now finally suing for joint custody over this 2year old son of theirs, and the mother, my girlfriend, would not like him to have any type of custody at all, and if he does happen to get some type of visitation, she wants it to be supervised. In the state of Nevada, is this possible? Can the mother keep full sole custody of the child? Without the father being involved?

Asked on 10/28/99, 11:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: No marriage, Child Custody

I would call this a tryable issue...meaning it can go to trial and might come out any number of ways. If I had to guess, depending on what his conviction was for and whether he tests positive for drug use now, I suspect that he would at least get supervised visitation at first, with more visitation as time goes on. He would have to pay child support equalling 18% of his gross wage. It's possible that after a while, he will lose interest and want to give up the relationship because it's costing him too much. If you need representation in Clark County, please call my office for an appointment

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Answered on 11/01/99, 9:06 pm

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