Legal Question in Employment Law in Nevada
wrongful termination
Yesterday I was terminated from a position which I am very good at for 4 out of 6 of my money drops not being present when the safe was emptied. I do not have the combination. It is suspected that one of the other employees may, as this has happened before, but I can't prove it. In the past the Mgr. was released for this happening, This time I was. What can I do about this and can I file a claim. I have also been subject to rude remarks as I am in a girl/girl relationship from the same person. It also has come to my attention that the other employee has been stealing from the company by ''fixing'' the books. When brought to her attention is when all my problems arose. Should we have both been reprimanded, as I have no control of my drops once they are dropped. This is turning into a criminal case as the dollar amount exceeds $5,000. This has been going on for a ong time which I can prove but can not afford counsel. Please direct me.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: wrongful termination
Here is a link to the Nevada Equal Rights Commission online complaint form: