Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Nevada

breaking a lease ??

We are breaking our apartment

lease because of a situation

where a water heater broke and it

took over 3 hours for a

maintenance man to show up and

address the problem. My wife had

to call the fire department to shut

off the water which was flooding

our kitchen and part of living room.

We would like to know what

''reasonable amount of time

required by law to respond to an

emergency'' consists of.The

leasing company is accessing us

2 months penalty for breaking the

lease. Can they sue us? How

would a judgment work? We feel

they broke the lease first because

the on call man could not be

reached for 3 hours. Thank You

Las Vegas NV

Asked on 8/15/06, 4:31 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: breaking a lease ??

Unless the situation resulted in a "constructive eviction" you are not going to avoid liability for breaching the lease. This would normally include unpaid rent until they can reasonably re-lease the rental unit. I would need to read your lease to fully advise you, but you should hesitate to move out and breach the lease because of a short delay in a minor repair of an appliance.

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Answered on 8/15/06, 6:07 pm

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