Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Nevada

Landlord refuses to refund rent and deposit

I moved into a house and paid 1700 first month rent, and 1500 sec.deposit. Upon moving in, we found out that the landlords were not ready to rent this house. We had to wait for 5 days to get a ''rough draft'' lease that was completely absurd and full of errors. We didn't sign the lease. We were promised a refridgerator the day after we moved in, however 6 days later, I had to purchase one on my own. The house was totaly filthy, in poor repair. When we looked at the house initally, the power was off so we could not see the problems with it. We finally decided to move out 12 days later, and asked for the Sec Deposit back and the pro-rated rent. He is refusing to pay the rent back and says that he will charge me for 30 days rent taken out of the deposit. This is the first time he has rented a house, and my first time renting. I am military and have been spoiled by residing on base. We have never signed anything reguarding this house, have pics of everything and reciepts of the deposit. Basically I am asking if I do have reason to demand my money back, or do I right this off as a huge mistake?

Asked on 2/24/06, 5:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Anderson Anderson Business Law LLC

Re: Landlord refuses to refund rent and deposit

Both. At a minimum you should be comped for the refridgerator (unless you took it with).

Did you have an opportunity to inspect the premises before move in?

If no lease was signed, you would normally be on the hook for at least 1 month's rent, but for the landlord's breach.

You should make demand for refund of all amounts ($1,500.00 + $ 1,700.00) via an attorney, then bring an action in Small Claims court.

Call or write for further assistance.

I have been a landlord for 25 years.

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Answered on 2/25/06, 8:15 am

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