Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in New Jersey

Lawsuit for moving expenses

There is a lawsuit pending for moving expenses that a company gave me to relocate, and after 2.5 months I was fired - however I signed a document stating that if I were to leave the company, I would have to pay all expenses back - no dates or information was given regarding when and how much would have to be paid. They are now coming after me and the firm that has taken the case is making me sign a promissory note. They are now charging me interest. Do I have to pay the interest? Do I have to sign the promissory note? If I do not, would I have to pay the company's legal fees? Would they garnish my pay if I were to loose in court?

Also, a director of the company that fired me has been sharing infromation with my previous coworkers and stating confidential information regarding the process that I have been going through. Do I have grounds to sue the director for defemation? This has been a horrible situation that really put me and my family in a bind.

Please advise,

from new jersey

Asked on 8/20/07, 10:43 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Locksley Wade Law Office of Locksley O. Wade

Re: Lawsuit for moving expenses

Do not sign anything. Don't be "penny-wise and pound-foolish"! Get an attorney now! Do not use the "I am broke excuse" and spend an inordinate amount of time looking for a "free lawyer."

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Answered on 8/21/07, 4:52 pm

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