Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in New Jersey

Private Organization Vs. Public Interest

Can a Local Little League expel me from the grounds for a long period of time without just cause.

Asked on 6/11/07, 2:19 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Locksley Wade Law Office of Locksley O. Wade

Re: Private Organization Vs. Public Interest

What you may perceive as an unjust cause may be viewed as a justified expulsion. Typically a little league will expel an adult for disruptive and "unsportsmanlike" conduct that sets a bad example for children at an impressionable age.

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Answered on 6/11/07, 6:53 am
Daniel Cevallos Cevallos & Wong, LLP

Re: Private Organization Vs. Public Interest

I have a feeling that if the Little League was asked, it would say there is plenty of Just Cause. Just because you don't think it's just doesn't mean it's not. More likely than not (without more information), the Little League leases the grounds where they play. If so, they can exclude you from the grounds for just about any reason--the same as you can kick anyone else out of your home for any reason. And, if you were to take this to a court, it would first review the facts to see who was credible, the little league or you.

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Answered on 6/11/07, 8:25 am

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