Legal Question in Consumer Law in New Jersey
About 6 months ago I purchased gourmet coffee from the internet, for $38.95 I received 2 pounds of coffee. Over the next few weeks the company sent me 2 orders (4 pounds) every week. When I called to cancel, they informed me that I could return the unwanted product for a full refund. I returned the product, but have yet to get the refund. I have called the company several times and still no refund. Every time I call they tell me that they will reprocess the payment and I should see my account credited within a week. That has yet to happen. My question is; what do I do next? What can I say to this company to make them pay back my money?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Assuming you paid with a credit card, contact your credit card company's fraud division. They may be able to perform a chargeback.
Legally, you may have a claim under the consumer fraud act. The consumer fraud act may entitle you to treble (triple) damages and attorneys fees. However given the limited amount of money you spent in the transactions, this course of action may not be worthwhile. If you wish to pursue a legal claim, you should consult an attorney who practices in the consumer-fraud area.
I am NOT your attorney. An attorney-client relationship has NOT been created. The above is NOT legal advice. If you seek legal advice, consult an attorney in your area.
Daniel T. Silverman, Esq.
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