Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

If an 18 year old dropout visits his old catholic school and yells I f****** hate Ms. such and such and then leaves, upon which the faculty member chases him down the block grabs his arm and proceeds to curse him out calling him "pussy" a "cunt" and saying that she hopes his mother dies to which he responds that she is already dead ,which she is, and she says good she deserved to die what are the legal ramifications for both sides? He had not received a visitor's pass for the school

Asked on 2/09/11, 9:38 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Jonathan Mincis Jonathan J. Mincis, Esq. Law Offices

You neglect to mention if someone is pressing charges against someone else or if the police were called as a result of the incident. If no one seeks to press charges against the other person than nothing will happen. The 18 year old drop out could be charged with tresspass, but the faculty member probably should have known better, if he grabbed the former student and hurt the person maybe there is a potential assault, maybe the Faculty member could be charged with Harrasment. Is anyone seeking to pursue charges against the other person. It does not sound like the police were involved so if the two people do not file complaints against the other, then nothing will happen, hope that helps

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Answered on 2/09/11, 7:05 pm

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