Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

Dealing With Harassment In Multiple States

I am trying to find out information for my girlfriend. She has an ex who calls her and leaves messages on her phone after she has repeatedly told him to stop. She says he has threatened her over the phone and has also threatened me through her on the phone. He calls late at night and while she is at work. This is making my girlfriend completely stressed out/depressed. Their relationship ended some time ago, but he keeps calling her telling her how much he loves her, wants to marry her, etc..all of which she says is unwanted. It doesn't help the fact that he is currently married (my girlfriend was the ''other woman''). While they were together and also apart for some time, they both lived in the same state. Now, they both live in different states..but he still harasses her. Basically, I'm trying to find outlets for her in how to deal with him so he can be out of her life. Thanks.

Asked on 10/15/05, 12:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: Dealing With Harassment In Multiple States

What you are dealing with is harassment and possibly terroristic threats, both violations of the New Jersey criminal code. You need to contact the local police and have them file complaints against this guy and to also apply for a domestic violence restraining order agsinst him. Even if he lives in a different state, he can still be served by the local sheriff's in whatever state he lives in. At the very least you need to notify the police, today, and then let the law take it's course.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 10/17/05, 8:41 am

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