Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

false fire alarm

hi i pulled a fire alarm in my school at the very end of the day, which created chaos. no one saw me but someone suspected i did it and the school officials called me down and said they knew it was me blah blah blah. the next day i went to the police station and made a statement admiting to pulling the fire alarm. our school fire alarms had not been working since the beginning of the year and went of all the time. but just the once (which was not the first time someone pulled it) the firetrucks came.

i have a trial soon and it says we need an attorny. i have no clue whats going to happen. can someone please tell me what i might be charged with (im a 16 year old female..if that makes a difference) and do i really need an attorny? thank you

Asked on 1/19/06, 9:23 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Lavinia Mears Law Offices of Lavinia Lee Mears

Re: false fire alarm

You most likely are being charged with the offense of a False Public Alarm 2c:33-3 which is graded as third degree crime. In addition to fines and likely probation period, there is amandatory six month loss of license (or postponement if you don't have one yet.) A lawyer representing you could negotiate the charges to see if you could plead to something less serious, such as disorderly conduct. As a former prosecutor who worked in the juvenile court system, I have been successful in ultimately getting charges dismissed in such cases, as long as you don't get into any trouble for a year after you go to court. That way you won't have a juvenile record. You will definitely need a lawyer in the county juvenile court. The court won't let you proceed without one. If you don't qualify for a public defender, you need to seek private counsel. If you have any questions or would like to discuss having my firm represent you, please call me at the below number.

Lee Mears

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Answered on 1/19/06, 9:56 pm
Ronald Aronds Law Office of Ronald Aronds, LLC

Re: false fire alarm

You are 16 years old and having to go to what is essentially criminal court. You need a lawyer. You are facing fines, theoretically at least some jail time, likely probation, and you will have a juvenile criminal record if you are convicted. A lawyer will probably be able to minimize, or even get dismissed, the charge against you. I am a lawyer who has handled very many cases similar to yours in various courts in New Jersey in the past. Please have your mom or dad give me a call to discuss this with them. I never charge any money for just talking to people about their cases. Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours, -Ronald Aronds, Esq.-

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Answered on 1/20/06, 8:34 am
Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: false fire alarm

I would say that you need to talk to an attorney about your case, at the very least. I would expect that you parents will hire an attorney for you.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 1/20/06, 11:32 am

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