Legal Question in Criminal Law in New Jersey

Harrassement by an Ex

My son is on probation because of an incident involving an ex girlfriend of his.

Part of his probation is for him to stay away from this girl. He has stayed away and gotten on with his life.

Recently she has been sending him emails telling him she wants him back and has even hacked into his Yahoo account.He changes the password and five minutes jlater she changes it again. She can do this because she knows all the information to do this

She has called his cell several times, we think its her because its restricted Also on the Yahoo account it has her email as the primary He never did this which means she did it.

How can he get her to stay away from him and stop harrassing. If he has any contact he can be sent to jail for violation of probation. She just won't leave him alone

Asked on 12/01/06, 4:22 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jef Henninger, Esq Law Offices of Jef Henninger, Esq.

Re: Harrassement by an Ex

I suggest you go to the police department and file a complaint against her. The prosecutor should handle the case for you but if you really want, a private attorney can act as a private prosecutor. Probably not needed in this case.

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Answered on 12/01/06, 4:25 pm
Gary Moore Gary Moore Attorney At Law

Re: Harrassement by an Ex

I believe that he needs to file a domestic violence complaint based on

being harassed by her.

Give me a call if you like.

Gary Moore, Esquire

Hackensack, New Jersey

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Answered on 12/01/06, 4:57 pm

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